5 Reasons Why You Should Mulch

When the months start to cool, it is important to have mulching in mind to get your garden ready. Mulching is a method used to layer organic matter on top of soil and consists of either wood chips or grass clippings. Mulching plays an important role for many reasons such as the five listed below.

1. No Need To Weed

As the weather cools you’ll start to see more chickweed and dandelions popping up. To avoid this weed invasion, it is good to lay some mulch to effectively control their growth and spread.The mulch will effectively prevent the weeds from germinating. Mulching will also prevent the germination process from continuing by preventing contact with sunlight. Having mulch can also help prevent difficult weeds from being removed.

2. No Need for Much Watering

When mulch is layed, it is able to retain moisture and prevent evaporation. Mulch is also capable of protecting soil from the sun so that evaporation does not occur fast. Having mulch will keep the soil moist and thus having no need to water much while continuing to provide an ideal environment for plants to thrive.

3. Soil is Healthy

Besides moisture being retained, mulch is able to preserve the soil’s nutrients and condition through temperature regulation. This regulation of temperature is accomplished through the activity of living organisms within the soil, such as the insects, earthworms, and microbes. When these soil inhabitants thrive, you can expect a richer soil come springtime.

4. Provide Appeal

Besides the advantages of practicality that comes with mulching, it also becomes decorative. Mulch is able to provide an appearance that is well-manicured through the use of shredded bark that is either dyed or natural, and perfect for ornamental purposes. Natural mulch is also a great way to incorporate appeal by not worrying about it decomposing rapidly.

5. Pest Control

During the cold months, plants can become weak and unable to fend off pests. Integrating mulch allows you to protect plants from invading pests and fungus. The mulch is perfect for environment regulation by preventing bacteria from coming in contact with the plants and causing harm.

In order to help the mulch prevent the growth of fungus, the use of a fungicide should be used. When the fungicide is mixed with mulching, the plants soil and water will be improved to allow the plants to grow healthier. The type of mulch that is used will also be a deciding factor in keeping slugs and snails at bay.


When you incorporate mulch into your garden or landscaping, you can expect great results and healthy plants. If you are in need of some more great reasons to use mulch, get in touch today, we’ll be happy to explain what you can expect from mulching.


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